September 26, 2024 by Secrétaire national à la communication

Salutations à tout les hommes d'honneur. J'espère que vous allez bien dans vos différents domaines.
Les membres du Comité exécutif national élargi sont informés que notre prochaine réunion élargie est, sauf exception, prévue pour le week-end du 18 au 20 octobre 2024 dans le diocèse de Buea.
D'autres détails vous seront communiqués dans les jours à venir.
Pour le Président général et par délégation ;
Le plan d'action de la CMA Cameroun mettra l'accent sur la spiritualité.
Par conséquent, la réunion réunira tous les présidents, secrétaires, maîtres de liturgie et aumôniers diocésains.
Il y aura la présentation des rapports diocésains selon le format présenté par le Secrétariat national
Les autres rapports proviendront de la liturgie, du Secrétariat général et de la communication .
September 26, 2024 by National Communication Secretary

Greetings to all MoH. Hope you are doing well in your various corners.
Members of the National Enlarged Executive are informed that our next enlarged meeting is except otherwise scheduled to take place on the weekend of 18-20 October, 2024 in the Diocese of Buea.
Focus on the CMA Cameroon plan of action would be on spirituality.
Therefore, the meeting shall be attended by All Diocesan Presidents, Secretaries, Liturgy Masters and Chaplains.
There shall be the presentation of Diocesan reports as per the format that was presented by the National Secretariat
Other reports shall come from Liturgy, General Secretariat and Communication
Jan 10, 2024 by Luam Godwill

The Catholic Men Association- CMA is a lay non-profit making and non-political membership of baptized and devout male Christians of Roman Catholic Church. This is of the Church Organs in our Parish.
Sep 26, 2024 by Bro Richard Nde

The General President of the CMA Cameroon sincerely thanks all the members for their commitment in praying the Prayer for the Liberation of Cameroon in Distress. furthernore, he urges all of us not to relent because the prayers are yielding abundantly
Jan 17, 2024 by Fuh James

Originally, scheduled to hold on June 6 to the 9th the Catholic Men's Congress finally took place on June 18 to 20 in Yaounde.
The first National Congress of the Catholic Men's Association (CMA) opened at the Collège Vogt campus in Yaounde last Saturday, 19 June 2010. The congress took place under the distinguished patronage of the Archbishop of Yaounde, Mgr. Victor Tonye Mbakot.Association, sister organisations and guests. The theme for the congress was "Called to be men of honour in the image of St. Joseph the just man".

What is the CMAHC?
The Catholic Men Association (CMA) is a Church group for lay baptized and devout male members of the Roman Catholic Church. The group offers a great opportunity to Catholic men to live worthily their Christian vocation as well as undertake their family duties with great love, understanding and sacrifice.
Our Values
Maintaining one's altitude at the normal state, was yet another value of St Joseph. We are called to these steps.
Deep faith
Having the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen, is one the key values of CMA as it was same its patron.
Develop the mental capacity to bear pain and adversities with courage. Members of CMA are expected to be strong in mind.
Pray Without ceasing, the instruction of an Apostle of Christ Jesus, is yet another of our values. Just like St Joseph
It is Love,When it is Expressed in Action
2 Corinthians 9:7
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”.
It was another moment for CMA cameroon to preach love by action just St Joseph its patron. For God loves cheerful givers and how can we say we love God if we can not help our own brothers that are need. Else, the love of God is not in us.
The Vision that Gives us a Mission
Our vision is to enrich the society via living Gospel values in the family, church and community.
Promote Family
To promote the family institution through companionship (spouse), fatherhood (children), and active participation in church for the evangelization and sanctification of humanity.
Promote Prayers
Prayer is essentiel for all christains and CMA is fully engaged as it is one of her main missions to promote prayerful men.
One of missions is hospitality to those in need. As commanded by christ, the good you do to any of this least ones will be considered as unto me.
Bible Sharing
The word of God is the food of the soul. Thus, one of our greatest missions is to encourage Gospel and Bible through CSCs. Organizing groups to share the bread of the soul.